Illy Caffè, origini, storia e prodotti di un'Azienda storica italiana

Illy Caffè, origins, history and products of a historic Italian company

Illy Caffè is one of the most important and internationally known historical companies in Italy. His is a long story, with deep roots in a family that has managed to create a coffee empire, with high quality products that are able to satisfy a large audience of enthusiasts.


Illy Caffè was founded in 1933 by Francesco Illy in Trieste. The founder came from Hungary after the First World War; an economics graduate, he was a curious character with an inventive soul. Thanks to the port of Trieste he came into contact with the coffee trade, and founded the Illy Caffè company.

With the use of the famous Illy cans, Italian coffee began to be exported to the rest of Europe as well.

The Illy tradition continued in the family: his son Ernesto created an internal chemical laboratory and expanded the company, also starting to sell to small consumers. After earning several certifications and filing for patents, Illy continues to be a successful company.

Today it is led by Massimiliano Pogliani, with Anna Rossi Illy (Ernesto's wife) as honorary president.

The values ​​of Illy Caffè

Illy Caffè is an international company, known throughout the world for the quality of its products. The company uses a blend of 100% Arabica , a type of superior quality coffee, and offers the raw material in various formats (the most famous of which is ground coffee in tins).

Illy Caffè believes that quality is very important for its coffee, which is why it selects only the best types of Arabica coffee from more than 20 countries around the world.

The certifications obtained by the company demonstrate the values ​​of quality and transparency throughout the production chain. When selecting plantations for coffee beans, Illy is committed to creating a profitable and supportive relationship with farmers around the world. In particular, the DNV (Det Norske Veritas) certification, the "Responsible Supply Chain Process" certification, certifies the sustainability of the coffee production chain in South and Central America, India and Africa.

Furthermore, Illy also founded the "University of Coffee ", created to promote the culture of coffee all over the world. Innovative products have been created with the help of the Università del Caffè, such as capsule machines, hyper-espresso and "ready to drink" coffee. It is an expression of the innovation value inherent in the company.

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